Can I cancel my NokScoot flight?
Do you have a flight with NokScoot that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year.
Can I cancel my NokScoot flight and get a refund?
Unfortunately, NokScoot does not allow cancellations, and you can’t get a refund. However, NokScoot does allow for changes to date and/or time of your flight, as well as an option to transfer your ticket to someone else by changing the name on the reservation. If you change the name on your flight, this means that you can sell your flight to someone else and get your refund from a fellow traveller instead. There is more information on name changes below.
Can I change my NokScoot booking?
Yes! NokScoot allows you to change your flight date and/or time up to 4 hours prior to departure time. The fees for such changes depend on the origin of your flight. The fee applies per passenger per flight. Any fare difference is applicable during a change. Please find the relevant fees in the section titled “Fees for Name/Flight date/Flight time changes”.
Can I change the name on my NokScoot booking?
Yes! NokScoot allows you to change the name on your reservation up to 4 hours prior to departure time. The fees for such changes depend on the origin of your flight. The fee applies per passenger per flight. Any fare difference is applicable during a change. Please find the relevant fees in the section titled “Fees for Name/Flight date/Flight time changes”.
Fees for Name/Flight date/Flight time changes
For travel out of Thailand
Medium-haul flights & Long-haul flights
Online: THB 1,800
Call centre/airport: THB 2,200
For travel out of China
Medium-haul flights & Long-haul flights
Online: CNY 360
Call centre/airport: CNY 440
For travel out of Taipei
Medium-haul flights & Long-haul flights
Online: TWD 1,700
Call centre/airport: TWD 2,100
For travel out of Japan
Medium-haul flights & Long-haul flights
Online: JPY 7,500
Call centre/airport: JPY 9,400
For travel out of India
Medium-haul flights & Long-haul flights
Online: INR 3,800
Call centre/airport: INR 4,700
Where can I sell my NokScoot flight?
You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.
In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.