Can you cancel your Jazeera Airways flight and get a refund?


Can I cancel my Jazeera Airways flight?

Do you have a flight with Jazeera Airways that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year. 


Can I cancel my Jazeera Airways flight and get a refund?

Yes! Jazeera Airways allow flight cancelations. Please read the detailed information below to find out how and when you can cancel and also how much it will cost you.  


Full cancellations - this is when you cancel the whole booking 

Economy class

  • Permitted up to 24 hours prior to scheduled departure

  • You have to pay a fee of KD 11 (approximately £29) fee per flight, per guest, except for flights to/from Cairo

  • Refunded balance will be held in credit for 1 year

Business class

  • Permitted up to 3 hours prior to scheduled departure

  • No fee, except for flights to/from Cairo

  • KD 13.50 (approximately £35) fee for flights to/from Cairo

  • Refunded balance will be held in credit for 1 year


Partial cancellations - this is when you cancel just one flight in your booking 

Economy class

  • Unfortunately, Jazeera Airways has not provided a precise fee for partial cancellations. Please contact Jazeera Airways customer service

    • One page mentions: KD 12 (approximately £31) fee for partial cancellations, done only through Jazeera Airways offices

    • Another page mentions: KD 15 (approximately £40) fee for partial cancellations, done only through Jazeera Airways offices

  • You are only going to receive 30% of the Total Fare or OneWay fare of the flown sector (whichever is higher)

  • Refunded balance will be held in credit for 1 year

Business class

  • Unfortunately, Jazeera Airways has not provided a precise fee for partial cancellations. Please contact Jazeera Airways customer service.

  • Conditions apply on partial cancellation for flights to/from Cairo

  • Refunded balance will be held in credit for 1 year


Can I change my Jazeera Airways booking?

Yes! Jazeera Airways allow date, time and destination changes for their flights. Changes to bookings in Business Class can be made up to 3 hours before the scheduled departure time and changes in Economy Class can be made up to 8 hours before the scheduled departure time. Changes are subject to payment of a fee and of any difference between the original fare paid and the new fare available at the time the change is made.  No refunds will be given. Changes can be made online here


Economy Class

  • You have to pay a fee of KD 11 (approximately £29) service fee – plus fare difference (if applicable), per sector per guest

Business Class

  • Only fare difference (if applicable) will be collected, except Cairo.

  • KD 11 (approximately £29) service fee for flights to/from Cairo–plus fare difference (if applicable), per sector per guest


Can I change the name on my Jazeera Airways booking?

Yes! Jazeera Airways allows you to change the name on your booking. This allows you to sell your ticket to someone else and receive a refund that way. The fee is KD 20 (approximately £52) per guest, plus any fare difference, for both Economy class and Business class passengers. 


Where can I sell my Jazeera Airways flight?

You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.


In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.

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