Can I cancel my Transavia flight?
Do you have a flight with Transavia that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year.
Can I cancel my Transavia flight and get a refund?
Yes, Transavia allow cancellations, but you won’t get a refund, unfortunately. Cancellations can only be made over the phone through the Transavia call centre. Cancellation costs amount to 100% of the total booking fee (including any special requests). No refund is given as a result, with the exception of all passenger-related taxes imposed by the airport and governments that you have paid to Transavia, which can be refunded at your request. The request for a refund of these taxes must be submitted within three months after the booked travel date. This request can only be submitted using the online form (
Don’t worry, we have a plan B for you - you can still cancel your Transavia flight and get a refund. You can change the name on your ticket, sell your flight to someone else and get your refund that way - from another traveller, instead of the airline.
If the booked flight is carried out by Transavia Airlines C.V., requests for refund are subject to a charge of €10 administration costs per cancelled booking.
Can I change my Transavia booking?
Yes! You can change your Transavia flight origin and/or destination, travel date, time of departure, and/or passenger details. A €50 change fee is charged per person per flight. If the ticket is more expensive when you make your change, you will also have to pay the difference in ticket price between the new fare and the original one. You can no longer change your flight after you have checked in.
Fare types
Basic fare
You pay for any and all changes + fare difference
Plus fare
You pay for origin and/or destination changes and changes to passenger details + fare difference
Changes to time and travel date up to 14 days before departure only require a payment for the fare difference
Max fare
All changes made up to 2 hours before departure only require a payment for the fare difference
How can I change my Transavia flight?
You can call the Transavia Service Centre to make the booking change for you
Flights can also be changed via My Transavia
Can I change the name on my Transavia booking?
Yes! Transavia allow name changes. You can change the first and/or last name on your Transavia booking. A €50 change fee is charged for every name change per flight. After you change the name, the ticket will be rebooked and the ticket price may be higher. If so, you will be required to pay the difference in price between these two airline tickets.
In the event of a spelling error you can correct that spelling error up to 2 hours before the original departure time for the flight. This is at the discretion of Transavia. Spelling errors can only be changed via the Transavia call centre. No costs are incurred for correcting a spelling error.
Where can I sell my Transavia flight?
You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.
In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.