Can you cancel your Southern Airways Express flight and get a refund?


Can I cancel my Southern Airways Express flight?

Do you have a flight with Southern Airways Express that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year. 


Can I cancel my Southern Airways Express flight and get a refund?

Yes, however, all fares are non-refundable, including Flexible, Discount, and Standard fares. Instead, if you are unable to travel, you can cancel your ticket and apply the value of the flight towards the purchase of another ticket. You have to cancel the flight at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. The new ticket date must be within one year from the date of purchase.  The new ticket can be more expensive or subject to different terms, conditions, or restrictions. You have to pay a re-issue fee of $35 in addition to to any difference in fare. You won’t receive a refund if the new ticket is cheaper. Alternatively, you may wish to change the name of the passenger on the booking in order to sell the ticket to someone else. That way you effectively ‘cancel’ your ticket and also get a refund, just not from the airline, but another traveller like you. Please refer to the section on ‘name changes’ below for more information on how this works in practice.  


Can I change my Southern Airways Express booking?

Yes, however, this will depend on the fare you have purchased. If your fare allows you to make changes to your booking, you have to pay a change fee of $35 in addition to any difference in the new ticket’s fare. 


Flexible fare

  • Changes can be made up to 24 hours prior to flight time.

  • The first change is free, fare increase may apply. Any further changes can be made for a $35 fee, plus any fare increase.

Discount fare

  • Non-changeable and non-transferable

Standard fare

  • Changes or transfers can be made up to 48 prior to flight time for a $35.00 fee, plus any increase in fare.


Can I change the name on my Southern Airways Express booking?

Yes, Southern Airways Express allow name changes for a fee of $35, so long as the change is made at least 5 days prior to departure. Name changes for partially used tickets will not be accepted by Southern Airways Express. This means that if you have already used the outbound flight in your booking, you cannot change the name for the inbound flight only. 


Where can I sell my Southern Airways Express flight?

You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.


In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.

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