Can I cancel my Getaroom hotel reservation?


Have you booked a hotel reservation with Getaroom and do need to cancel it now? You can cancel your reservation by visiting to access your reservation or you can call 800-468-3578. Getaroom offer different rates for the hotels on their website, and the cancellation policies for each type of rate are different. There are some rates and membership fees that are completely non-refundable. If you booked a published rate reservation you will not be charged a fee if you choose to cancel by the cancellation due date. You can find out the cancellation due date and fees in your confirmation receipt or the cancellation policy noted on your reservation details. If you want to cancel a booking that you made from a travel agent’s unpublished rates, Getaroom might charge you $10.00 or $25.00 as a processing fee. If you have booked any other cancellable rates, if you do not cancel your reservation by the cancelation deadline, you will be charged for a one-night stay in the hotel, including hotel taxes and any fees charged by the travel agent. It is also possible that you will be charged additional fees from the supplier, or that you will have to pay 100% cancellation charges if you don’t cancel your hotel reservation by the deadline. 



Do you feel like you are paying an unfair amount of cancellation fees? If you want to recover more money from you hotel reservation without paying expensive cancellation fees, read the section “How can I recover more money from my Getaroom booking?” at the bottom of the page!


Can make changes to my Getaroom hotel reservation?


Getaroom does not modify reservations. If you wish to make changes to your hotel booking, you will need to cancel the original booking and make a new one.  


How can I recover more money from my Getaroom reservation?


Is your Getaroom hotel stay non-refundable? Are you not able to receive all the money you would like from your Getaroom reservation? Have you ever thought of selling your hotel reservation to another traveller and receiving your refund this way? All you need to do is change the names on your booking to the person you are selling it to. Hotels allow you to change the name of the main guest under the reservation and do not charge any fees for the name changes. You can change the name of the guest through Getaroom, or alternatively, you can call your hotel directly.


I want to sell my Getaroom reservation and get a refund that way, but don’t know anyone that wants it!


Luckily,  is here for you! SpareFare is a secure online marketplace for buying and selling holidays, flights and hotel reservations. We are like eBay for travel with the added benefit of secure exchanges and expert customer support.  Sell your hotel booking here  on SpareFare.  

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