Can you cancel your Interjet flight and get a refund?


Can I cancel my Interjet flight?

Do you have a flight with Interjet that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year. 


Can I cancel my Interjet flight and get a refund?

Unfortunately, all of Interjet’s fares are non-refundable. Interjet will allow cancelations of reservations without penalties, up to twenty-four hours after the reservation was made if the reservation was made one week or more prior to a flight’s departure. If you miss this 24 hour window, the reservations are non-refundable. But you still have a few other options if you can’t use your Interjet flight. Interjet allow name changes for their flights, which means that you can sell your flight to someone else and get a refund that way. There is more information about Interjet’s name change policy below. As well, you also have the option to change your booking details to a flight more convenient to you. Please refer to the sections below on relevant changes to your booking. 


Can I change my Interjet booking?

Yes! Interjet allow you to make changes to the date, route, and time of your flight. The relevant fees will depend on your ticket type and the time at which you make the change, prior to the departure time stated on your reservation. 


More than 24 hours before your flight

Ultra Light

  • For routes within Mexico: $799 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $79 USD or $89 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $699 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $69 USD or $79 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $599 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $35 USD or $48 CAD per segment.


  • Unlimited and free of charge on the same fare.


Between 4 and 24 hours before your flight

Ultra Light

  • For routes within Mexico: $999 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $99 USD or $120 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $899 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $89 USD or $115 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $599 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $35 USD or $48 CAD per segment.


  • Unlimited and free of charge on the same fare.


Can I change the name on my Interjet booking?

Yes! Interjet allow name changes. You can change the name on your booking in order to transfer it to someone else. The relevant fees will depend on your ticket type and the time at which you make the change, prior to the departure time stated on your reservation. 


Ultra Light

  • For routes within Mexico: $799 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $59 USD or $77 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $699 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $49 USD or $67 CAD per segment.


  • For routes within Mexico: $599 MXN per segment.

  • For routes outside Mexico: $35 USD or $48 CAD per segment.


  • Unlimited and free of charge on the same fare.


Where can I sell my Interjet  flight?

You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.


In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.

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