Can I cancel my Agoda hotel reservation? 


Do you need to cancel your hotel booking with Agoda? Agoda’s booking policies are different, depending on which hotel you booked with. They provide a ‘cancel by’ date in the confirmation email when you first purchase your accommodation. You are permitted to cancel your hotel until this point. If you wish to cancel your accommodation after the cancellation due date, you will be charged a minimum cancellation fee that is equal to the cost of one night or more of your accommodation. You can find the exact details of your cancellation fees in your confirmation email. 


Can I get a refund for my Agoda hotel reservation? 


You may request a refund by contacting Agoda directly. This can be done on, by phone call  +44 (0)20 7660 6899, or emailing through their Customer Support page. You might still be charged cancellation fees and this charge will be deducted from the amount that Agoda refunds to you. Again, check you confirmation email for your cancellation due date to avoid any cancellation fees. Normally, Agoda refunds 100% of your accommodation expenses if you request a cancellation before your cancellation due date. Be aware that, Agoda states in their terms and conditions that under certain circumstances they will only offer you a gift card to refund you. 


How can I get a refund from Agoda when they offered me a gift card? 


Do you want the refund from your Agoda hotel reservation, but they only offered a refund via gift card? Have you ever thought about selling your hotel reservation and receiving your refund that way? Read the section called “How can I recover more money from my Agoda hotel reservation?” at the end of the article to find out how.


Can I make changes to my Agoda hotel reservation?


Agoda allows customers to request changes to their hotel reservations. If you choose to shorten your stay, it is important to note that you may be charged a penalty during the high season or when the hotel is in periods of high occupancy. You are responsible for paying any penalties charged by the hotel. To avoid penalty charges read the individual hotels change and cancellation policies. 


How can I recover more money from my Agoda hotel reservation?


Will you lose money if you choose to change or cancel your hotel that you booked through Agoda? Or are they only allowing you to receive a gift card as your refund? Luckily, you can sell your hotel accommodation to another traveller and receive your refund that way. All you have to do is change the name on your reservation to the person who is buying the hotel accommodation from you. It won’t cost you anything and you can recover some or all of the money you paid for it. Hotels allow you to change the name of the main guest under the reservation, which is how a booking is transferred from one person to the other. Neither the hotel, nor Agoda will charge you anything for the name change, so you can keep all the money you get form selling your room!


How do I sell my Agoda Hotel Booking?


First you will have to change the name on your reservation to the person buying your hotel room. Contact Agoda by phone or email to change the names on your reservation to the person who is buying your hotel accommodations from you.


I want to sell my hotel but I don’t have anyone who wants to buy it. 


Luckily,  is one step ahead of you. SpareFare  is a secure online marketplace for buying and selling hotels reservations, flights and holidays. We are like eBay for travel with the added benefit of secure exchanges and expert customer support.  Sell your hotel reservation here  on SpareFare.  

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