Can you cancel your VivaAerobus flight and get a refund?


Can I cancel my VivaAerobus flight?

Do you have a flight with VivaAerobus that you can no longer use? Plans change, we know. We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year. 


Can I cancel my VivaAerobus flight and get a refund?

Yes! VivaAerobus allow cancelations free of charge, as long as you request it within 24 hours after the purchase of your ticket and with at least 7 days prior to the date of the flight. If you miss this 24 hour period, your ticket becomes non-refundable. But you still have a few other options if you can’t use your Interjet flight. VivaAerobus allow name changes for their flights, which means that you can sell your flight to someone else and get a refund that way. There is more information aboutVivaAerobus’ name change policy below.


Can I change my VivaAerobus flight?

Yes! VivaAerobus allow changes to the flight date, time and/or the route of your reservation. Route changes may be performed through the Call Center or VivaTiendas. You have to pay a flight change fee. The table below tells you how much you have to pay. Fees are charged per segment per passenger - so it will be double for a return flight. A payment of fare difference applies if the fare of the new ticket is higher than the fare of the original one you bought. 


Domestic (within Mexico) & International (to and from Mexico)



Point of Sale

More than 24 hours before flight

$80 USD

$90 USD

Between 4 and 24 hours before flight

$110 USD

$120 USD


Can I change the name on my VivaAerobus booking?

Yes! VivaAerobus allow name changes. You can change the name on your booking in order to transfer it to someone else. The cost to change the name on your ticket is $105 if you make the change online (Domestic & International flights) and $120 if you make the change at point of sale (Domestic & International flights). All Changes of Name must be performed at least 4 (four) hours prior to the scheduled time of departure of the flight.


Where can I sell my VivaAerobus  flight?

You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.


In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.

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