Can I cancel my Tigerair flight?
Do you have a flight with Tigerair that you can no longer use? It happens to more people than you think! We help many travellers like you recover money from their non-refundable flights every year.
Can I cancel my Tigerair flight and get a refund?
Unfortunately, Tigerair’s fares, charges and travel extras are generally non-refundable. You can request a refund of your Government taxes only, and you will get back 50 AUD. You may be entitled to a refund in certain special circumstances in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law. The link has information about what these specific circumstances are. If you don’t fit in any of the categories listed there, you can’t cancel your Tigerair flight. Luckily, Tigerair allow name changes, so you can still get a refund for your non-refundable flight. Just sell it to another passenger through SpareFare and get your refund that way. More on this below.
Can I change my Tigerair booking?
Yes! You can change your Tigerair flight dates, times and routes up to two hours before a domestic flight departure time, subject to payment of a change fee and any applicable fare difference. If the price of your new fare is lower, you are not going to get a refund. Please find the relevant fees below:
Changes via internet
55 AUD + any fare difference
Changes via call centre
85 AUD + any fare difference
Can I change the name on my Tigerair booking?
Yes! Name changes are permitted subject to payment of a change fee (70 AUD) per person per flight plus any fare difference. If the price of your new fare is lower, you will not be entitled to a refund. Name changes are only available via the Tigerair Australia Customer Contact Centre at least two hours before a domestic flight departure time.
Where can I sell my Tigerair flight?
You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.
In this blog post, you can learn more about how selling your flights on SpareFare works.