
Wert des Gutscheins: $446.36

Verfallsdatum: 31 Dez 2050

Art des Gutscheins: Electronic Voucher

Beschränkung verwenden: Until the Air Canada Travel Voucher is fully redeemed, it can be used multiple times, is fully transferable and has no expiry date.

Zusätzliche Information: Until the Air Canada Travel Voucher is fully redeemed, it can be used multiple times, is fully transferable and has no expiry date. The Air Canada Travel Voucher can be redeemed at aircanada.com, by calling Air Canada Reservations at 1-888-247-2262 (for international and other numbers, visit aircanada.com/othernumbers), through a travel agent, at aircanadavacations.comExternal site which may not meet accessibility guidelines. or the Air Canada Vacations’ Reservations department at 1-866-529-2079 (for flight and hotel packages to Mexico and the Caribbean (excluding group reservations). For Aeroplan flight redemptions, you can book online or contact the Aeroplan Contact Centre at 1-800-361-5373.

SpareFare ID: 60831

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