
Value of voucher: 1000 CAD

Expiry date: 25 Dec 2027

Type of voucher: 25% discount off (up to 4 passengers on same booking)

Additional information: Enter the one-time-use promotion code in the promotion code box at when you make your booking. If booking with your travel agent, they may enter the code at The promotion code(s) are valid until December 25th, 2027 (you must complete the booking and travel by this date), and each code is eligible for a single new booking for up to 4 customers. For North American itineraries, each code is valued at 25% off the base fare. For International itineraries, each code is valued at 25% or a dollar amount off the base fare, whichever is greater. You’ll find more details and the full terms and conditions at

SpareFare ID: 88668

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SpareFare buyers save between 40% to 60% from current live prices.
Seller asking price:
692 CAD
Last updated on:
27 Jan 2025

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