
Value of voucher: $451.40

Expiry date: 23 Oct 2025

Type of voucher: Electronic Voucher

Use restriction: Buyer can use the voucher themselves - buyer will receive voucher number and pin, go to enter in details.

Additional information: Buyer can use the voucher themselves - buyer will receive voucher number and pin, go to enter in details. From there you can check balance, change pin, combine voucher. - Vouchers can only be redeemed at in respect of flights operated by Aer Lingus and cannot be redeemed for bookings that involve travel on flights operated by partner airlines. - Vouchers cannot be redeemed through the Aer Lingus reservation offices, at airport ticket counters or at travel agents. - Vouchers can only be redeemed on against the cost of Aer Lingus flights (including fares, taxes, charges and selected fees). - Vouchers can only be redeemed against bookings in the currency of issue. - In order to redeem a voucher the person whose name is on the voucher must be a member of the party being booked. Vouchers are transferable and this can be done via the Change Name function in Manage my Voucher on First name, surname, e-mail address and delivery date can be changed; all other items remain as per the original voucher. - Vouchers cannot be redeemed as part of AerClub Travel Reward bookings. - Vouchers may not be used for other products (e.g. car hire, hotels, travel insurance). - Vouchers are not refundable and will not be redeemed or exchanged for cash. In the event a ticket or fee is eligible for refund, the amount redeemed will be returned to the voucher if a refund is requested. - Vouchers are void if altered or obtained fraudulently. - If the ticket price is greater than the value of the voucher, the difference may be paid with a credit card. Any credit remaining following redemption of the voucher may be used within the original validity period towards future flight purchases. - Vouchers cannot be offset against bookings which have already been made. - Vouchers cannot be applied towards change fees, or additional fare for reissued or partially used tickets. - Vouchers may not be used towards the purchase of food or beverages on board. - Vouchers cannot be used to make or confirm a Price Lock or Deposit booking. - Vouchers cannot be used to make or confirm a Group booking.

SpareFare ID: 88039

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Seller asking price:
400 USD
Last updated on:
07 Jan 2025

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