Value of voucher:
Type of voucher:
Electronic Voucher
Use restriction:
Used to purchase Aer Lingus flights on or mobile app. Best to use for USD denominated flights, but currency can be converted by calling Aer Lingus and processed in a few days.
Additional information:
Vouchers cannot be redeemed as part of Aer Club Travel Reward bookings.
Bag fees / Advance Seat Selection fees / Lounge Access fees may be paid for with vouchers provided they are pre-booked at the same time as the purchase of the flight(s). Vouchers cannot be used in respect of these fees if they are booked subsequently through the Manage Booking facility.
Vouchers may not be used for other products (e.g. car hire, hotels, travel insurance).
Vouchers cannot be applied towards change fees, or additional fare for reissued or partially used tickets.
Vouchers may not be used towards the purchase of food or beverages on board.
Vouchers cannot be used to make or confirm a Price Lock or Deposit booking.
Full terms and conditions:
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