Can I cancel a flight I booked with

Do you have a flight you booked with that you want to cancel?


Yes, you can cancel your booking but you are not guaranteed any refund for the money you spent in making the original reservation. You will have to submit a refund application when you cancel your booking online if you wish to get some of your money back. Please note that if you wish to cancel you must have a record of all receipts sent back to Kiwi for consideration of your case. Your refund depends on the fare type of your ticket. You will receive a 90% refund with Flexi Tickets and 10 EUR refund with Standard and Saver Ticket (in case the total cost of your booking was more than 10 EUR). Cancellations due to medical issues or death will not be honoured, unfortunately.



Can I cancel my Kiwi reservation within 24 hours of booking?

Yes but you will be charged 100% of the booking value as well as any potential fees from Kiwi as well as the airline. Kiwi does not offer a grace period for changes or cancellations.


How do I cancel my Kiwi reservation within 24 hours of booking?

Step 1: Sign into to cancel your booking

Step 2: Open a particular trip, and click “Refunds and cancellations" at the top of the page. You’ll see three options to pick from.

Step 3: If you'd like to cancel your booking, it is possible up to 48 hours before your trip. Pick”Cancellation” and follow the instructions.

Step 4: Upload any receipts to make a complete refund application

Step 5: Wait to hear a response from 

Step 6: If granted a refund, choose from the refund options they give you


How can I change my Kiwi booking?

Any amendments to your airline booking before confirmation are not permitted. If you made an error or wish to change the dates of your flight you must cancel the entire booking and a Kiwi representative will be in touch to let you know if a cancellation and refund is possible. However, if you wish to change your flight after it is confirmed and you have received your e-ticket, you can change your dates online but will be faced with a carrier fee. Changes are possible up to 48 hours before your trip.


To change the date, time or destination of your Kiwi reservation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log into to manage your booking

Step 2: To change your trip, scroll down to Trip summary and click “Change” or “Rebook”

Step 3: To update passenger details such as name, date of birth, or your passport/ID details, go to Passengers and click “Edit passenger” 


You won't be able to change your itinerary online if it's been changed before. If you need to make further changes, please contact Kiwi’s support team.



Kiwi name change policy

Kiwi’s name change policy states that if you wish to make amendments to your booking, and your airline allows it, then you may change the name of the passenger on the booking. Any amendments to the booking however, will be subject to an amendment fee by Kiwi. You are also responsible for paying any of the fees that the airlines subject to you. You can request changes up to 48 hours before the trip.


How can I change the name on a Kiwi reservation?

Step 1: Log into to manage your booking and change the name

Step 2: Open a particular trip, and scroll down to the Passengers section. Click “Edit passenger”

Step 3: Pay any amendment fees


Can I sell my Kiwi booking?

Yes, you can! As long as your airline allows for name changes, you can resell your booking to another passenger. You can check this list of airlines, which allow name changes. If your airline is in the list, this means that it allows name changes and you can sell your flight. All airlines charge name change fees for this service, you can see how much it will cost you in that link as well. You may have to pay Kiwi an amendment fee on top of the airline charges.


Where can I sell my Kiwi booking?

You can sell your flight on SpareFare. We are like eBay for travel reservations, with the added benefit of secure transfers and expert customer support. Click here to sell your flight.

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